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How to market art?? For Free

How to sell your artwork?

Here are some ways to market your art work for free. This doesn’t give you 100% sell but it will increase chances to sell your art work.

1. There is lots of online art gallery which gives you free artist membership.
You will find list of free artist membership website here.

Some point to take under consideration with online art gallery.
• Before sign upping any of free membership art galleries read out terms and condition.
• Review Website and its functionality
• Read shipping and delivery about art work. Sometime shipping cost you more than your art work price.
• Also study the market value of online art gallery.
• Is online art gallery have and virtual space? Some also have virtual art gallery.
• Find how much traffic the online art gallery website is getting.
• If some of your friend has already joined that gallery ask for review.

2. Have a blog.
• Its also good to have a blog on your art work. There are lots of free blogger platform. Best are blogger, wordpress and typepad. (i will give list of blogging platform)
• Before starting blogging read the terms and condition. Wordpress doesn’t allow advertising on their platform and any other affiliate marketing.
• In my point of view blogger is the best platform. You can integrate your pay pal with your art work post. Means you can sell from blogger. And they allow earning money through blogging.

3. Marketing your blog

• Marketing your blog is also toughest part.
• Have a weekly blog post
• Exchange blog URL with your blogger friend blog or website
• Try to have the URL of your blog on your online profile.

4. Ask Other Art Blogger

• There are also other art blogger sometime they are not artist but they love to blogging.
• So have your post on their blog. Because their blog is getting long term marketing and can rank better than your blog.
• You can also exchange your blog post with your friend blogs or website.
• Ask other art related blog to have your post as a guest blog.
• For all this you just simply need to write post and email them.

5. Social Networking is important for success.
Signup for facebook, myspace, orkut or other social networking website which is well know in your region.

As I get time I will publish part – II on Marketing Artist Art Work For Free


José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...

Hi there,

You have stated some good points.
Getting visitors, especially returning visitors, is a difficult task.
For hope to get about 1000 visits per month on my blog in about 2 months and then go up steady.

Sweta Shah said...

Thanks Jose for your comment. It will be nice to be in contact with you.

daisy said...

i am an amatuer artist and sometimes crafter and have found a new guy in town. it's brand new so not much on it yet, but looks very promising. very user friendly and extremely affordable. you might want to check it out